Is it the Judge???

I hear this a lot, probably you do too, "I don't judge anybody, nobody ever needs to be afraid of being judged by me". I mean, several people say that, and I can't claim that I haven't said that before. Well, judging people about something that they do, something that they don't, something they are, something they aren't, is all up to the judge.
But no, this blog post is not about's about being judged.
How many of us say that we do not judge people, yet are afraid of being judged.
We are humans, a social being. Our very existence depends on being accepted by the society we live in. We say that we shall live as we please, yet how many of us actually do that??
Every single thing we do, the way we dress, the things we eat, the way we talk, the way we live, is all governed by the society we live in, and the people around us.
And are we really brave enough to surpass those limits the society imposes upon us and make our own rules???
Are we really able to contemplate the possibility that we may be shunned by the society we live in if we make our own rules and find our own ways???
The thing is, We Are Not.

So, the real question, my dear readers is whether it is the judge holding us back or ourselves??

Thoughts??comment below.

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